DuTec I/O PLEXER Communication Driver


DuTec I/O PLEXER communication driver is the driver to communicate with general I/O controller of DuTec in U.S.A.


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of  DuTec I/O PLEXER communication driver. 

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of  DuTec I/O PLEXER communication driver

Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM1), Baud Rate(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively, according to setting of controller.


DuTec I/O PLEXER communication driver¡¯s read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) Station – Controller station number = 0 ~ 255.( by using Group B Pin )

2) Read Memory Type – Memory type = DI, DO, AI, AO.

3) Read Start Address Don't care.

4) Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Word unit read size. ( digital : 16bits = 1 word )


Read schedule example) 

READ,   1,   DI,    0,    0,  1,

READ,   1,   AI,    0,   10,  16,

READ,   1,   AO,   0,   26,  16,


 I/O PLEXER controller have to set the Input or Output type at 'work folder\SCAN\config.???' file. ( ??? = port number )

If you don't input config file, all I/O PLEXER is assumed as input. 


Config file input method are as follows. 

Station,   I   or  0,   I   or  0, ¡¦¡¦..

0,   I,  I ,  I,   I,  0,  0,  I,  I ,  I,   I,  I,  I ,  I,   I,  I,   I,   I,

1,  0,  0 ,  0,  0,  I,   I,  I,  I ,  I,   I,  I,  I ,  I,   I,  I,   I,   I,

3,   I,  I,   I,   I,  0,  0 , 0,  0,


DuTec I/O PLEXER and OPTO22 controller are almost all of the settings are the same way. ( differ 'config' file input method )


2. Writing settings

You can write the setting value by using write settings.


Bit Write

Bit write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             Controller station number = 0 ~ 255.

3)  ADDRESS           Write channel number = 0000 ~ 000F. ( hexadecimal )

4)  Extra1                   Write data type = DO, CONF, PULS.

5)  Extra2                   When 'PULS' write data, input pulse time by 1/100 sec unit. ( 100 = 1 sec )


Write example 1) 

Port:0,  Station:1,  Address:0002,  Extra1:DO,  EXTRA2 :

The setting parameter shown above is On/Off control example of channel 2.


Note) If you set 'EXTRA1 = CONF' and write, it will be initialize.

When  I/O PLEXER power is turned, you have to send 'CONF' write command.

Also, if you set 'EXTRA1 = PULS',  'EXTRA2 = 200', 'Output value = ON' and write, it will be 'ON', and after 2 seconds, it will be 'OFF'.

If you set 'EXTRA1 = PULS',  'EXTRA2 = 200', 'Output value = OFF' and write, it will be 'OFF', and after 2 seconds, it will be 'ON'.


Word Write

Word write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             Controller station number = 0 ~ 255.

3)  ADDRESS           Write channel number = 0000 ~ 000F. ( hexadecimal )

4)  Extra1                   Don't care.

5)  Extra2                   Don't care.


Write example 1) 

PORT : 0,  STATION : 1,  ADDRESS : 0004,  EXTRA1 :  , EXTRA2 :

The setting parameter shown above is a write example of  4 channel.